Friday, June 5, 2009

Silverman Ironman Triathlon Relay

The triathlons do sound fun and I would like to do one. The problem is I'm not a great swimmer or biker. A solution? Run a tri relay? I'm talking with a swimmer and biker right now about teaming up for Nevada's premier tri event, the Silverman. This ironman distance (2.4 swim, 112 mile bike, full marathon run) takes place in November and is always well attended with lots of spectators. It's something I could not do alone, but as a relay it's a real possibility. Plus it's more fun being part of a team. Hopefully this game plan will come together over the next several weeks and I'll be able to make this happen.


  1. that would be sweet, mike! a marathon is always a marathon, wheather you do it by itself or as a part of an ironman team.

    you should also look for a shorter triathlon and try the whole thing yourself. just because you aren't the fastest swimmer out there, or the strongest biker, you can still complete a sprint tri and feel good about your race. i'm still usually the slowest in all 3 sports, but i still feel proud when i cross the finish line.

  2. Yes I'm thinking you may be right about the Olympic tri distance
