Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Hot and Hilly Race

The Run with the Devil race turned out to be hotter and hillier than I had hoped, even at the 7 AM start time for the 10k. I then made things more difficult for myself by starting out too fast, trying to hang with the frontrunner - a 5:57 first mile split - ouch. Then 6:23, 7:02 - crashing, 7:05, 7:15, 7:34 out of gas. So I really fell off near the end. Still managed around 43 minutes and 6th place out of about 50, I believe. So not as fast as I wanted - 42 was my goal - but I'll chalk it up to the heat and hills and jackrabbit start.

I volunteered the rest of the day and that was fun. They had a half, full marathon and 50 miler going on in the 108 degree midday heat. Quite brutal, entertaining to watch though.

The tooth fairy was on hand kicking some assphalt:

This lady was running 50 miles on one leg, very inspiring:


  1. wow, that sounds like quite a race! it's too hot for me to stay outside today and keep doing yardwork. screw a 50 miler.

  2. Incredible how such brutal circumstances still allows such times.

    Great work.

  3. «Louis» thanks you for your visit! Icarus = hubris? Oui - that's the way «Louis» understands it...

  4. Heat sucks.

    I stood next to the tutu guy in the starting corral for Boston in 2008. I hope he washes that thing.

  5. Hi Mike

    I have had at a least a few butt kickings administered by the 10k. It is so hard to hold back in that first mile and it really is a fairly long race. And the heat makes it that much more difficult.

    Take care and best of luck with your training.

  6. Hi Mike

    I wanted to just e-mail you, but I thought I might just get you here.

    The temp was a just about perfect 55 degrees or so. My best marathon time was on a day in the high 40s with a fair amount of wind, so I think high 40s low 50s would be optimal.

    I'll admit that my diet is probably one of the areas that I am not the best at. I usually just eat a bagel before a long run, but this morning I just had a couple of frozen waffles. Pretty weak huh? One thing I have tried to improve is that I use the Hammer products during and after. I mix up a batch of perpetuem in my water bottle I carry and also use their recoverite product post run.

    I've been watching your progress for a while and agree we are certainly similar runners.

    Best of luck Mike.

  7. Thanks for all of the positive comments! I've had a busy couple of weeks and forgot to check here, but I really appreciate all the input. Thanks for responding to my question Bill about the diet and the training habits that have gotten you to the point where you are in your training. I think that's inspiring. Nitmos, you're right about that guy and his pink tutu, I've seen him in Runner's World and I think the thing gets a darker, dirtier shade of pink every time he's photographed, lol. Although I spoke with him and he's a very pleasant man, all things considered.

  8. thanks for stopping by my blog! i've added you to my reader as well.

    a baseball bat sounds like another good substitute for 'the stick'! i've used a rolling pin and that big bolt so far - whatever is handy works for me. i like to think the ice/cold water baths help with soreness and recovery but i'm not all too sure myself. the chilliness does feel pretty good like you said, and i'm all for some cheap therapy. :)

    can't wait to hear more from you and what's going on with your running.
