Monday, June 1, 2009

Relay Pics

So I had never done a relay race and this was fun. I found it more entertaining than the usual individual race, more about the team and having a good time. I was running with the "Wild Bunch" and we did all right, finishing somewhere in the middle of the pack and managing to not have anyone drop dead of fatigue, heart attack or frustration. I had 3 legs, none of which was particularly long, and passed the runners for several other teams on each of my segments. My pace numbers were not particularly good for the most part, and I attribute this to the elevation (6000' in beautiful Lake Tahoe, NV) and the many hilly sections - there was a lot of steep incline. I believe my second leg was 1500' up in 4 miles with no downhills. So I looked at this race as a conditioning experience, and when I got back to Vegas yesterday and went for a moderate 8 mile 7 minute pace run, it did feel like the air was thicker and made for easier breathing - although my quads were shot.

But my favorite part? The costumes that some of the more creative of the other teams wore. Especially "Las Mamacitas", "Pink Bunny Death" and "Five Chicks and a Cop":

Isn't that just lovely?

The team on a beach on Lake Tahoe in our relatively tame outfits - but hey, we had a good time.

Striking a pose on the lake front. I don't get away enough and this was a nice opportunity to do that.


  1. Sounds like a fun time! Relay races are always a joy to participate in.

  2. looks like you had a really good time!
