Tuesday, June 16, 2009

3 things that are working for me, 3 that are not

1. Ten mile runs at dusk at Wetlands park - love that run! Got in a 6:55 avg pace yesterday. It was only 90 degrees and that trail is flat and fast.
2. Reading about running. Almost done with Karnazes' 50/50 book, with several more on the way via Amazon.
3. Icing my leg muscles and soaking the legs in cold water baths. I've read about this in Runners World many times and you know what - it totally works! Feels great after that first icy minute.

Not Working:
1. Fast food. Oh Mcdonalds with your awesome iced coffees and double quarter pounders with cheese, how you tempt me...
2. Just bad eating habits in general. I like to eat. Lots. It slows me down.
3. The heat, vegas in the summer. A 90 degree day is unusually cool. But I'm dealing with it.


  1. I LOVE ice baths. You talking about it makes me want one, badly. We're so masochistic.


  2. they all say ice baths work, but i've never tried one. i am reading about running though. got a few triathlon books on the shelf right now.

    and you gotta stay out of mcd's. that place will make you sweat grease for a week after one burger. nothing is more disgusting.

  3. Ice is one of the best things I found out about in running. It helps for just about any (upcoming) injury.

    Fast food is bad. Every now and again I give it a try, but it never gets to feel good.
