Wednesday, May 6, 2009

13.1 miles at 1:30 and 6:53 avg pace

Workout yesterday in the park, I wanted to see if I could still nail down sub 7 minute miles for the full 13. That happened at 6:53, so the next goal is to do the same with a 6:45 avg pace, maybe next week.

Garmin Connect

It's odd but I really don't feel warmed up til after the first 10k. At mile 8 I dropped it to 6:24 to see if I could still maintain under 7 the rest of the way, and it proved easier, if anything, in comparison to the fast 8th mile.

The first hot day in Vegas was today. 101 degrees on my car temp readout. Ouch. More to come. I am taking today off training as a rest day and going instead to a swing dance class downtown - hey, there's some cardio involved there!

I also did a hike the week before with a couple of other desert rats - hard to believe that it was cold enough then to require a fleece, and now it's 100 degree days for the next 3 months, mostly likely. Ah Vegas - hot as the devil's kitchen, bright as his porchlight.


  1. It always takes me some time to find my rhythm and cadence in a run like that. But, a few miles in, and I'm good.

    What a great run for you!


  2. That was very close to your personal best - was that during a race or a training? - for the 13 miles. Most people would probably melt in your weather conditions!

    It's important to stay loose in the hips. Helps running as well.

  3. Hi Mike

    Wow, you are getting really fast! It is nice to know that you can put the hammer down like that and maintain the pace for as far as a half marathon.

    Best of luck with your training and stay hydrated.

  4. nice job mike. boy you are fast. way to pull through there.

    i know there are plenty more hot vegas days to come. stay hydrated my friend.

  5. I asked if there's anything harder for myself than the last few miles of a half marathon. I have friends who have run marathons and I have no doubt, based on what they say, that that final 10K of a marathon would be really hard. I haven't done a marathon yet despite six halves because my young family won't really allow me to train for one properly. Two more years and I'm there tho. Your times are amazing. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Thanks for the comment. I am definitely a grown woman and I would like to try to handle the situation first before I just throw the towel in completely. Plus, the rent is so damn cheap! hehe
