Friday, February 20, 2009

Cross Training Program Initiated

So one of the lessons learned from the most recent race is that I probably am not doing enough cross training. So to fix that I am trying to do two moderate swim sessions a week, plus a yoga class, and a little more lifting, esp with the calf and quad lifts for leg strength, military press for deltoids and triceps, and situps for core.

I'm still feeling the marathon from saturday in my legs, taking it easy this week in terms of pace and more rest days.

75 minute run last night at Wetlands park with the running group at a moderate pace. I will be watching a 5/10k charity race tomorrow, taking photos; it's a mardis gras theme with costumes, should be fun!


  1. Stumbled across your blog while creating my own at My Blog

    Check out Training-Track it is free and good for storing your stats etc for running and cross training.

    A shameless plug for my own website ;) but I think someone so keen on running/cross training etc may get something out of it.

    I'd love to get your feedback...

  2. Hi there, I checked out your website and it did not seem to be compatible with my browser of choice, Google Chrome. Sorry!
